Monday, June 11, 2007

Create A “Goof Proof” 6 Figure Internet Home Business

by: Paul Johnson

Everyone makes mistakes. But few people make more of them than those intrepid souls who try to start their own internet businesses.

For most internet home business entrepreneurs, life is a constant struggle for good search engine placement, lots of links to their site, high-priced pay-per-click campaigns, and lots of hard work. But not for the “goof proof” business owner! Imagine:

>> A home business that pays you $1,000 or $3,000 for each sale you make after the first qualifying sale.

>> A home business where you not only get the first sale of every person you sell after the first qualifying sale, but each first sale each of these people make, as well as each first sale each of these people make— ad infinitum!

>> A home business that sells, one of the hottest online products of all, namely, products on how to start and grow your home business.

>> A work at home opportunity that’s automated. Prospects who fill out an online form get a call not from you, but a team leader who is experienced in the product and is making 6-figures. Prospects are then sent an automated series of professionally-written follow-up emails.

>> Your own unique internet storefront complete with a flash video your prospects can watch to learn about the opportunity, complete with audio testimonials, and other very compelling marketing materials

>> The potential to generate leads using sophisticated internet software right from the “back office” of your sales site.

Welcome to the 21st century and the automated home business! True, the price tag might seem high for some would-be home business operators. That is, until you stop to think about the exorbitant costs for starting up your own home business and the many, very costly beginner’s mistakes you’re likely to make along the way.

Some people confuse these automated home businesses with pyramid schemes, but actually, these types of sales structures have been around for a while, and they’re making some home business owners rich.

Let’s face it. The internet is ruled by entrepreneurs with deep pockets who virtually “own” certain keyword search terms and phrases.

The only way you can break their stranglehold is by having a proven, goof-proof business model, and by having a highly sought-after home business product that has search engine clout, thanks to all the business owners who are collectively out there marketing it.

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