Monday, July 23, 2007

The Difference Between Working From Home And A Home Business

by Trevor Kluger

I think it's necessary to clear up some confusion about the difference between working from home, and having a home based business. In my experience people don't understand the difference, and therefore get confused and sign up for things they truly have no interest in. I'm going to start with basic definitions and work from there.

Working From Home- working from home means that you want to perform some sort of task from the comfort of your home and get paid for performing said task. Basically, you want a job that you can do from home.

Home Based Business - Having a home based business is exactly what the phrase suggests. You want a business that you work out of your home, which includes no guarantee of income. As with any business, you don't make money without putting forth effort.

Now then, those are the definitions so that we can all understand the difference between a home-based business and working from home. I'm not here to suggest that one is better than the other; I'm just trying to get our facts straight. In my experience many people request information on starting a home-based business are actually looking for a job that they can work from home. Now, hopefully, they will be aware of the difference.

If a business that you work out of your home is what you are looking for, be aware of the fact that the term "home business" isn't some sort of license to do nothing and magically make money. I realize that many ads make it seem as if this is the case, but it's simply not true. Owning your own home business is exactly the same as owning any other type of business. A home business is simply conducted out of your house, rather than somewhere else, that's it.

The bottom line on all of this is that making money with either one is possible, we simply need to know what we want to accomplish. And keep in mind that to accomplish anything of value, there will be work and investment involved. Have you heard the old saying that it takes money to make money? This doesn't mean that a person has to have a million dollars to make money; it simply means that in order to make money, you will have to invest some money. Now that we understand the difference in a home business and working from home, best of luck on your search.

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