Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Getting More Traffic To Your Home Based Business Website By Translating It

by: Leonard Bartholomew

Statistically, 95% of new businesses fail, many of them in the first year. The new business owner gets frustrated with the anemic results gotten when they have been promised riches beyond their imaginations. The web is very good at prodding our imaginations. Many home based business and make money online ads, web pages, and emails tell you that you can easily be making $300 to $20,000 per month and you could be doing it in a matter of weeks. This is just unrealistic. Do you know why the internet mega-earners make so much money? They have been doing it a long, long time. They have many well established web pages that have many well established hyperlinks. They have huge lists of opt-in newsletter subscribers that follow their every move. Whey they say something is the next big thing, the herd buys it without question. The money comes flowing in. The rest of us look on scratching our heads wondering when it will be our turn. Wonder as much as you want. These internet gurus took years to get where they are today. If we stick with it, it will probably be the same case for the rest of us.

The modern internet started in the early 1990s with the first graphical web browser. I hate to break the news, but it was not Internet Explorer or Netscape. The current system of hypertext, the links that make up the internet, was a system of embedded links in text to link to other text. This became known as the World Wide Web in 1991, yes 1991! The web browser that made this protocol successful was called Mosaic. Mosaic was the first graphical browser and was developed in 1993. I don't know about you, but it seems to me that 1993 was not so long ago. My impression is that the internet, and making money with an online home based business, is not that old and that there is a lot of room for growth. The problem is not how little money a new online business makes when starting up. This should be the one thing that you least expect because you have no control over how much money you will make, you don't even have a business yet! The real question should be how to get quality internet traffic. Here is one suggestion that is neglected and will blow your mind!

How would you like to increase your website traffic three, five, or maybe even ten times overnight with one simple act? You are already getting some good quality hits from your website, right? If your website is presented in one language, have it interpreted. One language is not enough and the English speaking market that has long been the most prominent is becoming smaller and smaller. There are add on applications that will not only translate your web pages on the fly for you, but also create permanent translated pages that reside on your host for the next surfer that happens to come along and needs that translation. They contain all of the original internal and outgoing links. These pages will make your non-translated website look bigger and theoretically make it look more important to the search engines. What happens when your website looks more important to the search engines? The answer is higher placement, in this case for your keywords of choice, and more traffic. The search engines cannot treat it as duplicate content because it is in an entirely different language! Simple concept, isn't it?

Now think, what will happen every time you add a reciprocal link to your website? You will have multiple pages of link content in different languages, including your native language, feeding PR into your main page. Link pages show up on the internet too, right? The requests you are getting for link partners will explode because you will receive them, not only from your native language, but others who can now read your link pages who could not previously as well. Of course, you will have to translate them to your native language to understand them, but do you get the picture? The lack of a language barrier means that you will not be able to use this excuse to deny a link request just because you cannot read it.

Article writing is fast becoming the preferred method of creating quality one way links to your website. Imagine a website that translates its content. Again, because the language barriers have been broken through translation, more readers will be reading your articles. Of course, in the case where the article page is actually translated and generates a new page, the pr of that article directory will shoot up due to the additional content. Now, think of those who have their own article directory and list their home page as a sponsor. The internal links back to the home page are increased by the number of translated pages. Multiply the number of articles in your article directory by the number of languages used by readers and you will have more than just a couple of thousand internal links, you could have tens of thousands!

Translation of your web pages will increase your advertising income for text based advertisements like Google Adsense. I do not think they have figured out a way to translate a banner yet, but text advertisements will get more exposure because more people will be able to read them. Again the impact of this is huge if you take into consideration all of the ads you have placed on your web pages, especially the internet and article directories that have so many web pages.

The World Wide Web is called that for a reason, however that does not mean that everything should be written and read in one language. If you hadn't noticed, the language of the internet in Asian languages is growing exponentially because of the growth occurring in China. Don't be left out! Translate your home based business website and you will be a part of an international phenomenon called the internet. Your online home based business might just make some money.

About The Author

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science, is an affiliate marketer for an organization that has been in business for more than six years. Find all of the elements of an extraordinarily simple online home based business opportunity at

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