Thursday, August 16, 2007

Home Business - The Ultimate Home Business for Profits

By: Monica Hendrix

Imagine a business that’s easy to learn, that’s open to both young and old, doesn’t require much capital to set up, will take you a few weeks to learn and has the potential to make you big profits – well that’s the business that you will find in this article.

The business is being a financial trader from home – before you say that’s to complicated or needs too much money read on.

The Turtle experiment

You may never have heard of the turtles but it’s a story that is both inspiring and interesting.

In the eighties legendary trader Richard Dennis set out to prove that traders were made and not born.

He took 23 people from all walks of life, of all ages and taught them to trade in 14 days.

The result?

They made him $100 million dollars and went on to become some of the best known traders of all time.

The fact is that anyone can learn to trade if they have the desire to learn the right knowledge.

The cost

So how much does it cost to open a trading account?

If you are thinking $10 – 100,000 you would be wrong - with the internet its a few hundred dollars and you can open an account and start to trade.

So is it really that easy?

If you are going to make big profits in anything it’s not easy but there is a difference between something being easy and something you are able to achieve.

The knowledge is there and if you work smart and learn the right knowledge, you can make money PROVIDING - you adopt the right mindset to succeed and are focused on your goals.

Of course, you may not become as famous or as rich as the turtles, life is simply not like that. However, you make big profits for doing an hour a day on your computer – the answer is yes.

Also think about the other advantages

1. All you need to do is spot trends on graphs of repetitive price patterns which occur time and time again.

2. You need no staff and you have no large overheads – all you need is a computer and an internet connection and you probably have those already.

3. You need to find buyers – you can buy and sell online and someone is always there to buy or sell a currency to.

4. There is no recession in this home business because as one currency rises another must fall and vice versa giving you profit opportunities everyday.

5. Finally, you get to leverage your money – deposit 1,000 and a broker will let you trade $100,000 so your profits and losses are magnified.

If you can get a system that liquidates losers quickly and runs profits you can make money. Money management and the discipline to run winners and liquidate losers is the key and that’s specifically learned.

Where do you get the information?

Most of what you need is free on the net and the rest available from the

Do you want a challenge

This is an opportunity that can build serious wealth and if you have the desire to succeed you could soon be making big money in global forex markets.

It’s a challenge but one that anyone can take up - is exciting and potentially very rewarding.

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