Monday, August 6, 2007

Homeworker Business Internet Marketing Ideas- Free or Low Cost Methods

By: Paul Wheeler

Starting out in Home Based Business internet marketing methods, with little or no advertising expenditure, can be a daunting endeavour, to say the least. Investing in ezine advertising, paid traffic sources, pay per click advertising, etc, can rapidly build your home business opportunity and if done correctly can produce early profits as well as long term residual income from multiple sources.

However, for many people starting out, the necessary investment for a fast start is not possible and low cost or free advertising or home business opportunity plan needs to be utilised. Here are some of the methods for those of you on a limited or non-existent advertising budget.

Traffic Exchanges and Traffic Down line Builders

Building down lines (referrals) in Traffic exchanges directly, or by promoting Down line Builder sites can help alleviate the shortage of visitors to your website, or provide a free means of advertising affiliate programs if you do not have your own website. In many traffic exchanges you an also email your referrals directly giving another angle for free promotion. The possibility for residual income exists from Upgraded members you have referred

List Builders

Similar to the Traffic Exchange down line builder programs are the more specialised List Building Programs, aimed at generating a list of your own referrals, topped up with a number of random contacts or bonus contacts from the whole program membership. Again, the possibility for residual income exists from upgraded members you have referred.


Regular Submissions of articles, submitting your web pages to directories, and leaving a link in your online forum signatures (where relevant to your business) can all help build free traffic from both referrals and from the search engines. Of course these methods can be done for free in must situations. Each method can be discussed in more detail on the author’s website and blog.

Free Home Based Business Opportunities

There are many free to join Legitimate Home Based Business Ideas or Opportunities, and probably ten times that amount that are basically scams, or do not work until you upgrade to paid membership. Proven successful homeworker business ideas can be found at the author's site, linked in the resource box below.

One well established business which you can join and build on a completely free basis is SFI ( Secure Future International). It encompasses a wide range of product and networking business types and coupled with in depth training and support, a worldwide membership base, and a long term history of successful members, thee only to fail is not to follow the progress plans given.

Low Cost Multiple Income Opportunities

Many of the above can be incorporated into memberships programs with the aim that several small ( but growing) income streams are better than struggling along with just one source of online income. One of the most successful of these belongs to Stone Evans and is the PluginProfits, online business coaching and wealth building program. It incorporates both free and paid business memberships, and also a wealth of marketing training that people blindly pay 100's if not 1000's, of dollars for from e- books and courses from so called 'guru's
Once you start to generate an income using completely free or low cost home based business ideas, what next? Would it not make sense to use what profits you have made to further accelerate the growth of your business, and thereby increase both short and long term profits?

You could upgrade memberships in your free advertising media ( traffic Exchanges, etc) to increase free advertising credits and also further increase income from your pre-built down lines and THEIR efforts to build their business. You could also upgrade in your free home business opportunity program and automatically increase both your current and future commissions
Either way, re-investing your initial profits to build a legitimate online business can help you grow substantially quicker than by free methods alone. Despite all the hype, it takes time and a consistent effort to grow a substantial income from an online homeworker business. Free and low cost methods can set you on the path but finding the means to re-invest in your business and help accelerate your growth potential towards your long term goals.

Copyright - Paul Wheeler Internet Home Business Ideas Researcher, helping others to find legitimate online business ideas and opportunities. Online Legitimate Home Based Business Ideas and Opportunities Paul Wheeler's Work At Home Journal and Reviews Discover Google Adsense - Articles D

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