Friday, August 17, 2007

How Can You Start Your Home Based Business By Building Website Traffic First?

by: Debbie Anderson

Every on line or off line business needs traffic in order to build their business. It is no different with an on line business. There are many free ways to bring this needed traffic to your website. The one way that is both time and money effective is with website traffic exchange programs.

What is a website traffic exchange program?

These programs are basically set up so you can earn website traffic to your website by viewing other people’s web-sites. Sort of like a trade between all of the website traffic exchange members. Each member must view a website for a predetermined time set, generally between five seconds and thirty seconds.

Most are free to join and if promoted within themselves can in fact get you started earning a residual income. In other words you must promote one website traffic exchange program to other traffic exchange programs. More about this is explained later.

The main reason you may want to start any inter net business is so you can work at home.

Am I right?

Well with website traffic exchange programs all you need to do is sit at home in front of your computer and click away. Depending on your inter net connection you can effectively work more than one at a time. Which is how you build your downlines in each website traffic exchange program. First! Then you start promoting your website of choice.

If you have no work at home business yet you are in luck because you need to start with web-site traffic exchange programs! You need to learn to build a downline of other marketers working for you. By following a well designed plan and a few hours a day you could have 10,000 guaranteed website visitors a month to the business that I am sure you will find while viewing the other members websites.

Remember every member trying earn visitors to their website has to view a (could be your web-site) website before they can go to the next site and earn the credits needed to get there website viewed. Each site view is considered to be a credit.

Credits will build to be visitors. How many credits equals a visitor? Well that depends on the surf ratio. For instance if the ratio is 3/1 this means that you must view three web-sites in order to get your web-site shown to another member of the traffic exchange program one time.

You can receive many benefits from your efforts if you concentrate on one fact: Building your website traffic exchange programs downlines . First benefit will be the bigger your downline becomes the less effort you will need to put in. Why? You will earn a percentage of the credits of all the members you bring into the traffic exchange program. Remember credits equal visitors!

The second benefit will be as the members you bring into your downline. May purchase or upgrade, to gain the many benefits these web-site traffic exchange programs offer. Many traffic exchange programs will in some cases pay you a percentage of the money they spend. Of course the biggest reason most will upgrade is the time you save! Upgrading will generally get you at least a one to one surf ratio. Meaning for every website you visit in return you will get one visitor to your web-site! Thus saving you a lot of time!

About The Author

Debbie Anderson has been helping fellow work at home beginners since 2003. Allow Debbie to explain the 4 vital ingredients to succeed with any work at home business:

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