Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Six Reasons Why Most Home Based Businesses Fail

by: Trent Brownrigg

Every day thousands of people are looking to get out of the "rat race" to work at home. Most of those people want to get started on a home based business so badly that they do not always make wise decisions in choosing a home based business opportunity. As a result, many fail miserably and are left worse off then before they started. This, of course, does not need to be the case.

It is very possible, and doesn't have to be all that hard, to find a legitimate home based business opportunity. As discussed in my previous article, "Why Do Most Home Based Businesses Fail?" there are five major reasons most home based businesses will never work.

In this article I am going to give you six more reasons why your home based business will fail, if you are not careful when choosing:

#1 - Most new opportunities do not help you make money. They will give you some ideas for making money, but then leave you out in the cold by having you do everything on your own. There simply is no good support system. Nobody should be a part of a business opportunity without a good support system.

A good support system should include at least some of the following; Good leaders, help forums, ongoing training, conference calls, marketing tools, suggested resources, ebooks, blogs, FAQ’s, etc... Basically they should have many ways to help you as much as possible with any question you might have.

#2 - Unfortunately, some home business opportunity owners will take your money and run. There are too many fly-by-night operations out there that will not hesitate to scam you. The problem is their promotions sound just as good as the legitimate opportunities. To avoid this, you should be very skeptical about each home business based business opportunity you are presented, examine and research them carefully, and then make an informed decision.

#3 - Some home based business opportunities will have you working long hours for little pay. This is a good way to get burned out, tired, frustrated, and eventually quit. Why become part of a home based business opportunity that is like a regular job? Of course, with any home business, you will have to put in a lot of time, energy, and resources for the first year or more, with little in return. But don't get that confused with an opportunity that you will never make any real money in, no matter what you do.

#4 - Many home business opportunities offer products nobody really wants. You should never try to market any product that people couldn't care less about. Do this and you are doomed to fail. Always remember that the market for your products or services comes first, and the product or service must be something that people actually want. In addition, it is best that the company who offers the product or service has a proven marketing system in place to help you promote them.

#5 - Many home based business opportunities force you to become a salesperson. Yes, you will have to do some selling in any home business, it just can't be avoided. However, you should not have to spend your days cold calling leads or trying to sell ice to Eskimo’s. Don't get into one of these businesses or you will get burned out quickly, unless you love to sell. There should already be an established market for the product or service and a system in place to eliminate as much of the "selling" as possible.

#6 - Some home based business opportunities pay small sums of money and no residual income. Stay far away from these! If you market products or services that don't sell for very much money and don't offer any residual income, it's going to be almost impossible for you to make any real money or obtain financial freedom. There are plenty of opportunities out there where you can make a good amount of money per sale as well as earn residual income. It takes the same amount of effort on your part so don't waste it on anything less!

So, there you have it... six more reasons why your home based businesses will fail if you are not careful. Do your homework and look for potential problems with any home based business opportunity before you get in it. Make sure it doesn't have the problems outlined above, and then make an informed decision.

I want to leave you with the same final thought as my last article on this topic... No opportunity is perfect in every way. Don't waste your life searching for it because it doesn't exist! Just find one good home based business opportunity and stick with it.

About The Author

Trent Brownrigg has run a successful home business for almost four years. He is a full time internet marketer and online business coach. He recommends - - to anyone looking to work at home. You can find his home based business opportunity website at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some opportunities are not accessible on one's location. There are a few opportunities that are accessible and the same time are compensating.