Thursday, August 16, 2007

Top 3 Home Based Business Opportunities That Make Money Online

By: Cher Markov

The new trend in the business is working from home. As the World Wide Web is growing, the number of people using it is also growing at the same pace. Thus, the same with home business opportunities that are being attracted by many moms, young and elderly people alike.

So how does one find the best work from home business opportunities on the Internet today? There are many sources where one can find a good number of home based business opportunities. Simply searching the term “home based business opportunities” in the Google search engine will give you a good number of results. After looking the results you may get confused. Indeed, many of the home based business opportunities are listed as the websites in the search engine depending upon their popularity.

Whatever may be the type of work, there is one thing in common. All of them provide a good opportunity to make money online just by simply working from home.

Let us take a closer look at the top money making opportunities on the Internet that you could earn sitting in your pajamas:

1. Affiliate Programs:
Affiliate Programs simply give you an affiliate link where you can use it in your website/blog. When visitors buy a product or service from your link, then a certain portion of the product’s price is credited to your account which we call it as a commission. There are affiliate programs which award commission upto 75% of the product’s price and 5% on the lower side. However, the most acceptable commission range is between 25%-50%. Some affiliate programs directly deposit the commission amount into your bank accounts, and some offer checks which are issued bimonthly.

2. Paid Surveys Online:
Paid surveys are really hot these days. Many Multi National Companies are willing to pay a good amount for filling out the surveys online. These companies in the name of conducting market research are infact catching the pulse of the customers and thus they are paying for the opinions of the customers. Getting paid for online surveys is very simple. You just need to sign-up the membership of paid survey sites and fill the surveys comfortably sitting at home.

3. Network Marketing:
Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing is a unique type of money making opportunity when you actually recruit other sales people into an organization or down line in order to sell products. This type of marketing has been confused with illegal pyramids in the past. But, in truth some of the largest multi national companies such as Amway, Avon, Unilever and Tupperware to name just a few can all be categorized as MLM.

These are just a few of the different types of home based business opportunities that you will find while browsing on the Internet. If truly applied and molded, the internet can create wonders generating a great multiple steams of income at your doorstep.

Cher K Markov is an Internet Marketer that writes articles on Affiliate Internet Marketing. She shares her thoughts on popular Home Based Business Opportunities that make money online. She has made a good review on the top class Affiliate Marketing eBooks that help to understand what affiliate marketing is all about.

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