Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Women’s Secrets To A Successful Home Business

By: Mari Taylor

Five successful women entrepreneurs reveal their keys to success

Women are the strongest influence in the network marketing industry and to even question the influence women have in this industry would be totally ridiculous. Women make up 87% of all persons in the industry. Women bring so much more to network marketing and direct marketing than just numbers though. Women are great at creative marketing, teaching others the necessary skills needed for success. Women are also great achievers; they implement marketing strategies with clear objectives and personal power. Women use there natural nurturing abilities to build strong and lasting business relationships.

Men have an equal opportunity for success in the direct marketing industry, and some may even use some of the same skills as women in a home based business, but women have many unique challenges that men don’t have. We have personal women issues, pregnancy, emotional changes, hormones, building a family, being a wife and a mom, at times leaving there children with a babysitter while the child cries for mom not to leave. All while building a career, these are changes men in general don’t have any idea about, or what its like to deal with all these issues at one time.

We women overcome these challenges and are still very successful. For years women have had to choose a career or family, or attempt to juggle both. Now there is a better choice for women. Direct Marketing opens the door for women to have a successful professional career and still have the family and family time desired. Since women are naturally multi task orientated the women presented here are able to spend quality time with children and family, fun activities and time to bring in the big bucks with their home businesses. Never having to leave our families, we can be the mom and wife we desire to be and still have time for ourselves.

In the direct marketing industry there are principles that are key factors to building and achieving a successful home business and preventing a home business failure. Home business failure comes when people quit. If the company your working with goes under don’t go under with it, restructure Your Business, and continue to pursue your “why”, your big picture results. You must overcome all adversity and obstacles that get in the way of your path to success. You have to identify the lifestyle you want to live and what you’re willing to do to make it happen for yourself. You have to identify your desires, what are you focused on obtaining as a result of having a successful home based business. What do you truly want to accomplish with your life?
What is your passion that moves you to take action? Personal growth and personal development are very necessary in growing yourself personally and financially. Always striving forward with persistence, but balance your life, it becomes an exciting adventure expanding your personal potential to the fullest. Women who balance a home business, home, family and still make time for themselves are more diligent than other without balance. I want to share the personal stories of 5 incredible women who are successful in the Direct Marketing Industry, including myself. All these women work as apart of a large team leading and teaching each other to be successful in there own personal businesses, as well as enjoy all the time they desire with there families and personal lives.

Jody, Ontario
After having been blessed with a healthy little girl I made a decision that I needed to find an opportunity that would allow me to be home and raise my daughter. I am a social worker (M.S.W), had a career in child protection for 18 years and did not want my child babysat or warehoused in a daycare. I found the direct sales industry in Sept. 2005 and attached myself with some successful entrepreneurs who guided me through the process. As someone driven by success there was no reason to not embrace this opportunity. The learning curve was great as I was not familiar with the language or marketing, web design, etc. I juggled a full time job, parenting, private practice, being a wife…and managed my home. I did it because I was focused on obtaining what I desperately wanted - to be able to enjoy everyday with my daughter. I have always been goal driven and have never “settled” in my life for anything less than what I deserved. I am in a very privileged position where I can empower people everyday to make life changing decisions - I believe this is just an extension of what I have always done in the social work profession - help people! To success and changing lives!

Mona, British Columbia
I guess being an entrepreneur is in my blood - I watched my father grow a million dollar enterprise from scratch, with very little education - a lot of hard work and focus. Take all the good from that and learn to eliminate the limiting beliefs - that work has to be hard for example and there is a recipe for success. I believe - persistent would be the best word to describe me. Coming from my background in the beauty industry - I enjoyed the creative side more than the business side. However I learned that there are definitely things you have to put your attention on in order to be successful in any business. First for me I have to feel very strongly about what I represent. The products and the company. I have to know that I am going to leave people with a lot more in use value than they pay in dollar value. Then I can put my head on the pillow at night and sleep well. Then of course I feel success requires the right environment - the right supportive environment - one where you are encouraged and supported in your training and skill set on an on going basis. And then on top of all of that, personal accountability is required. I am human just like the rest of us and when things have come up in my life that are challenging I have been good at resisting, denial and procrastinating…but truly facing the challenge or obstacle head on and learning from it creates the best personal growth and advancement. By putting all of these things together, with the company I represent and the team of professionals, like minded individuals I do business along side of everyday - gives me the perfect environment for success. As a work in progress I still have mountains to climb - but I also have the best tools by my side.P.s. Hiring a personal coach, has been a great tool for me in my tool kit and I highly recommend this to anyone wanting to reach great heights.

Irene, Ontario
I’m sitting on my chaise lounge in my beautiful outdoor room. The sun is blanketing me as I experience the nature that surrounds me in my own back yard. The time…..11am! Can you believe it! I am blessed to have found the opportunity to help me create the life I want rather than living the life that was happening to me. Did you catch that? HAPPENING TO ME! I now create my life through me. Total control. Very empowering. When others are complaining about the work week, deadlines, the negative employers, I have enthusiasm, inspiration, and desire to assist others to follow my lead. I love to connect with others from my heart and offer them this opportunity to “reinvent themselves” as I have done.
My personal growth and self development has truly been miraculous. I have come from a place where I had lost myself, my identity to what was expected of me, to empowering myself to choose my path, design my perfect life. As a mother of 3 beautiful daughters I am so grateful that I have been able to show them they can be the creators of their destiny, that abundance abounds and being prosperous is a decision. This is the greatest gift I will ever pass on to them. Passion moves people to action and they have traveled this journey with me through my passion to provide a life of freedom and joy for them. That has been and always will be why I started my own business. I have shown them the courage to follow their dreams without judgment, to be free to make choices and to be connected to their inner guide. As George Eliot says “It is never too late to become what you might have been!”

Carol, Utah
I have been in direct marketing for a little over a year. I began looking for something to generate an income that would replace the exceptional income that I was accustom to making. I had been in medical office management for 25 years but was ready for a change. I was working more hours than I was at home, and then was expected to be available the remaining hours. The Health Care Field being the ever changing field it is, created more demands on my time and lifestyle. I then, adopted two very young granddaughters and felt a greater importance to be home. So began the search. I have found much more with Direct Sales than just a great income opportunity. I found myself. I found that life is about joy. It is about service. It is about support of one another. It is about reaching beyond ones limits, or perceived limits and finding character, self esteem and peace. I am grateful every day for this experience as well as my association with others in this industry. Today laughter is no longer a foreign sound to my ears.

Mari Taylor, Washington
After graduation I went to work in the telecommunications industry, soon after starting my career technology took over the industry I lost my job, At the time I was very devastated, and didn’t know the true blessing it was. I became a domestic engineer I had such convictions and passion to my new career and I was so appreciated for the great job I performed. But I soon learned that I had the most demanding and underpaid career in America. I definitely needed more in my life but I wasn’t willing to give up my family I love and adore being with everyday.
My husband found The Direct Marketing Industry on the internet one day and introduced it to me. Wow its every thing I every wanted in a business, I don’t have to give up my family for a career, I have become very successful in my new business and the greatest part is I am partners with my wonderful husband and we are honored to work side by side a few hours a day. The rest of my time I spend at Karate, Soccer, Fishing, Camping, or just what ever we decide we want to do.

With the knowledge, mindset, skill set and financial opportunities I’ve gotten from this home business opportunity I will never have to work for someone else again. Balancing family, fun, and our home business time is important to having a successful home based business, it can be done with little effort. We do what we want when we want and if we choose our business goes with us. My favorite part is I will never miss a moment of my daughter’s life and no one else will raise her. We get to spend great quality time together doing fun stuff, especially watching the sunsets together. I couldn’t ask for anything more.
I would like to thank these awesome women entrepreneurs for helping me share five principles needed to be developed and maintained for a successful home based business.

Businesswoman, Friend, Collaborator, and Team player, Mari Taylor fulfills her Entrepreneurial Calling by offering a great service that enriches the lives of others. Together with other fellow BraveHeart Community members, her goal is to empower Women to be multi-dimensional success stories and inspiration to others. Be Sure to Visit: Be a BraveHeart Woman

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