Sunday, September 2, 2007

Choosing A Home Based Business Opportunity

by: Kenny Anderson

Hi there!

Have you recently been giving serious consideration to starting a home business? Well join the club. Thousands of individuals just like yourself are starting home based businesses every month.

The market is wide open and the demand for working from home is getting more and more popular. With many people suddenly finding themselves unemployed because of changes in their work place, many more are also looking at the idea of working from home. This article will offer some suggestions in choosing a home based business opportunity.

Here are five things that will help you decide.

Write Down Some Ideas

Here is where you can be wild and creative. Make three separate lists. First, think about (and write down) everything you ever wanted to do, from home, as your own business. Now list everything that you know you have both interests and talents in. Make a third list of the talents that you have that others might have a need for (marketable).

Do Some Research

After you have that list, go to the internet, and begin to look up various sites that deal with home based businesses. Some of these sites will give you lists of many ideas. Find some of them, and then, using the list that you already made, get more ideas to either add to it, or refine some of your ideas into more specific categories. For instance, say that you have a desire to write. You will find a number of ideas for writers that are home based. You may find resume writer, copywriter, content writer for web articles, and maybe copyediting. You might add in some similar things that you will also see, like website design, or virtual assistant.

Select One Or Two Possibilities

From this list you should now be able to reduce your ideas to one or two that stand out and spark your interests. Do a little more research to do two things: get some ideas about what it will take to get started in that type of business; and, find out how much you might expect to realistically make from that kind of business.

Determine Your Budget

This will help you to see whether or not you should pursue that kind of business, and also what you have to work with for a budget. Some money should be kept aside in the event that things do not go as expected. Plainly speaking, not every home based business is a success.

Get Ready To "Open The Doors"

Once your business is selected, and you know what is needed, then preparation needs to be started. Of course you want to do it right, so, with your budget in mind, start getting ready to open those doors for business. Don't forget your website, and also the advertising.

Warm regards,

Kenny Anderson

Copyright © Kenny Anderson

About The Author

Mr. Kenny Anderson is a Principal at Tiger Trade, LLC a subsidiary of Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc. of Wilmington, DE and Aurora, CO. Kenny is a much sought after Speaker and Business Consultant on a myriad of Small Business, Internet Marketing and Entrepreneurial related issues. A graduate of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD, he is considered a “Netpreneur” with a primary focus in marketing and managing a number of successful home based affiliate programs. View five of the best affiliate programs at

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