Sunday, September 2, 2007

More 101 Best Home-Based Businesses for Women (Paperback)

If you're a person who's been searching online for a "real" home based business this is the book for you. I was delightfully surprised to see some of the idea's I've had rolling around in my head on paper. It's a totally different experience to take the book with you and read it as opposed to looking at a computer screen.

One suggestion I've never seen before was to have your own art gallery in a room in your home. Of course if your home looks like Martha Stewart's that's no problem. The author suggests signing the artists to contracts so that you both make money when the art sells. I think that's a wonderful idea. Of course if you're not really keen on the idea of having strangers tour your back bedroom you could rent a small office space and advertise, advertise, advertise.

Another idea I really loved was running a doggie day care center!! To those who are strictly business minded these ideas may sound far fetched but to those of us who long to break out of the mold these ideas light a fire to our creativity. One more business suggestion I thought was interesting is the laundry service. Even if you don't have a washer and dryer you could pick up people's laundry and drive it to the laundrymat. I know I've tried to bribe people to do my own laundry!!

All in all this book is a worth while read. T. Singh (USA)

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