Thursday, September 6, 2007

Network Marketing: Is It a Home-Based Business?

by: Nabil Khoury

Before the Internet era, network marketing used to be the only "home-based business" and the only way to earn some additional income along with working a regular job and working overtime.

The marketing techniques typically taught in the industry consisted of introducing the products to family and friends--the classic way was to invite friends, family, and any acquaintances to hotel meetings, where they heard a presentation about the products and/or the business. After exhausting what was called your "warm market," you then had to go to your chamber of commerce, your church, networking clubs, malls, and other public places in order to meet new people to whom you could present the business and the products.

Unfortunately, many network marketing companies are still using these lead generation techniques in the present day. Some recommend using what are called "drop cards" and flyers. The network marketer's daily method of operation consists of leaving these flyers and drop cards in as many public places as possible, from restaurants to phone booths, in grocery shops and around ATM machines.

Rather than working from home, these techniques leave network marketers on the road most of the time, and network marketing, in this case, is not really what one would call a home-based business.

Currently, the Internet allows lead generation via Internet marketing. Internet marketing lead generation may be completely free or low cost. Leads generated through the internet are highly targeted.

Flyers and drop cards are replaced by simple signature lines in emails, discussion groups and forums. Visits to grocery shops are replaced by visits to forums. Expensive non targeted newspapers advertisements are replaced by cheaper highly targeted newsletter and pay per click advertising.

The current technology of phone bridges allows marketers to conduct presentations that connect prospects from all over the country, or even from all over the world. Expensive time consuming hotel meetings are replaced by a joining a phone conference call from the comfort of your home.

Network marketing is truly becoming a home-based business.

If your purpose in looking for a home-based business is to have the chance to spend some quality time with your family, and if you are planning to work part-time in the business, when evaluating a company, you may want to check about their marketing plan. Before checking compensation plans, products, or policies and procedures, it is recommended that you check the quality of the company's training program; this should be done before joining, not afterwards. You will have to make sure that the network marketing company you are considering will teach you real marketing techniques and internet marketing for lead generation.

Copyright 2006 Nabil Khoury

About The Author

Nabil Khoury, MD is a medical doctor and an entrepreneur. He likes helping people with their health and wealth. Visit his website for generic practical network marketing tips

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