Sunday, November 4, 2007

Exposing The Free Internet Home Business

By Ken Leonard Jr.
© KLJ Online

Here is some feedback I recently received from one of my
home business advice newsletter readers:

"I have joined a lot of free home businesses and have made
no money. I am determined to succeed at this internet thing,
but I need help. I'm not going to spend money on this and
waste it. Do you know where I can get a simple step by step
FREE manual so I can start my home business?"

-- Jeff M.

And here is the advice I gave Jeff...

Have you spent months, maybe even years, looking for a way
to make a living from home on the internet? If you are only
considering what is commonly referred to as a "free home
business", you are likely to be looking for a long time to
come. You can avoid wasting more time and effort by
understanding the realities of running an internet home

The mentality of getting something for nothing will put an
end to any dreams of working for yourself you may have. So
will the need for immediate gratification. By keeping these
thoughts out of your mind, you greatly increase your chances
of running a successful internet home business well into the

Let's start out by looking at the idea of a free internet
home business. This would be a home business that you could
start and run without spending a dime. You see many
different kinds of businesses every day, both internet web
sites and real world businesses in your neighborhood. Can
you think of just one real business that can be started with
no investment and requires no money to operate? You can't
because there aren't any.

And spending months of your personal time to set up and run
even the most basic small business (that may or may not make
any sales) is still costing you money. Yes, your time is a
valuable asset that does have monetary value, just as it
does when you spend it working for someone else. The fact is
that you cannot replace the time you have already used. But
you can make more money. You cannot make more time.

If you are not willing to spend money to start and build
your internet home business, you are involved with a hobby,
not a business. It is possible to start and build an
internet home business using low cost tools and resources,
in case you don't have $100,000 lying around. It is also
possible to use many no cost resources in your home business
that will save you tons of money. But when it comes right
down to it, you have to be willing to take on some risk if
you want a real business of your own. You have to assume the
risk of (wisely) spending money to build your business.
There is no way around it.

Here is a getting started manual (free) like the one you
asked about

Establishing priorities for your personal and business
spending habits is your first important task. This will
allow you to treat your internet home business like a
business, not a hobby. Since your initial cash flow may be
small, your initial growth will be slower. But having your
internet home business started and running is essential. You
can't grow a business that doesn't exist. If you can then
delay your gratification by putting most of your revenue
back into the business, your business will slowly grow into
a profitable money maker.

By delaying gratification, you are demonstrating that you
can focus on the big picture, your long term future. This is
an essential small business mindset that will allow you to
eventually get what you want. Any money you spend on
advertising your product or service should be focused on the
long term, too. That means focusing on building mailing
lists of targeted prospects, either email lists or direct
mail lists (both is better!).

You will still end up making some sales along the way, but
over time you will have created a much more valuable long
term business asset. Future repeated contact with your email
and direct mail lists will cost you very little, practically
nothing. And the relationships you build through regular
contact will make you many customers and sales long into the
future at near zero overhead.

So go ahead and start a real internet home business, but
stay away from any "free internet home business"
(masquerading as a real business) that won't build real long
term worth. You will save yourself a lot of grief, and you
will end up actually getting what you want out of life.


About the Author: Ken Leonard Jr. can help you start
an Internet Home Business in just
a few weeks, using only free and
low cost tools and resources...

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