Thursday, January 3, 2008

6 Proven Internet Home Based Business Ideas About The Content

by runner

The message of the content is the king of all internet home business advertising, like the article marketing. When you as a newbie will start the communication with your target group, your chosen niche, you can start the brand building right in the start by writing articles from your own experiences.

The keywords are, on the top of the content, which make the article useful. The readers who search for the articles about home based business use keywords and the search engine can find your article by the keywords. Using keywords makes your article search engine opimized.I tell you about the steps how to write effective articles to promote the internet home based business.

1.Plan Every Single Article.
You can split the article into title, teaser, text, end climax and about the author box. The article planning is an easy way to build the right structure to the article. It has to influence on the thinking and on the behaviour of the reader, it is like a short film, where the start, intro, middle part and the end have all their own jobs. And the IDEA in the main role.

First decide, why do you want to write an article, what is the key promise and to whom? What do you want that a reader does, when he is close to the article end. What he thinks when he clicks the link in the box?

2. The Title Must Be Interesting And Promise Something.
When you start your own internet home based business and start writing articles, the only thing you have in use is the copy, there are no images and the only link is in the Bio Box. The most important part of the copy is of course the title.

The title is utmost most important element and it will determine whether the article is a winner or a looser. The title and the teaser will be seen on the lists of the article directories, so the title just has to draw the attention of the searchers, to shout the promise.
Remember to put your main keyword among the 4 first words in the headline, like I have done in my title, because it makes it easier for the reader and the search engines.

3. The Job Of The Teaser Is To Raise The Enthusiasm.
The teaser puts speed to the emotions of the reader and quarantees that a reader will continue reading and expects something very useful later in the content.

4. The Article Text Will Tell The Benefits.
When you start your own internet home based business and start the article writing, you have to place the major benefits, which the reader gets into the body of the article. But not all, leave the big secret into the landing page. It will be a surprise.

5.The Climax Of The Article Is In The Last Paragraph.
When you start your own internet business it is important to share useful information and to arouse the enthusiasm at the same time. An article is like a movie, the enthusiasm fluctuates up and down, so there must be enough bites for the reader. He has to have the feeling that the content is worth to read to the end. The end of the article offers the happy end effect. Wow, what an article, I want more, click!

6. The About The Author Box Is Like A Short Ad, Call To Action.
Remember to write your name and a short ad copy, which makes the reader to click your link. You may ask yourself, why YOU would click the link?

You see, it is easy to plan your home based business article and quarantee in that way that it really works for the reader and for the several search engines. In all cases the reader is of course your major target group and the enthusiastic, useful content is the king!

About the Author

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. This is interesting! I invite you to visit my home page to get more tips for your article writing when you run or start your own Home Based Business.

Article Source: Content for Reprint

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