by tomato_hong
Success in building a home internet business through network marketing or any opportunity is not necessarily easy, but setting goals together as a family is a good beginning. In some ways setting goals is similar to taking a vacation. One of the first things you do when you plan a vacation is to decide where and when you want to go. In making these decisions, you are actually setting plans to accomplish your goal.
There are no mysteries to building a successful home internet business. There are only basic, fundamental principles that are available to you as well as to anyone who will seek them out. It is up to you whether to remain in your comfort zone, or to move ahead and seek something special in your life.
Many times, your biggest enemy is yourself. Instead of marketing a good opportunity that could bring you financial freedom beyond your wildest dreams, you have a tendency to become trapped in you comfort zone in front of your computer. Sometimes the toughest door to go through is your own. Instead of a door to let you outside, it becomes a barrier that restricts you to mediocrity. So break the habit of staying in! Realize that monotony is the "reward" of being too careful or fearful. Challenge yourself to not accept the current situation.
Think about a story of ten soldiers lined up against a brick wall facing a firing squad. The enemy officer in charge offered each other ten soldiers a choice-face the firing squad and certain death, or walk through a black door in the brick wall. Only one soldier chose to go through the black door!
Why would the other nine choose certain death? Fear! Fear of the unknown that lay beyond that black door. Surprisingly, the soldier who chose the black door received passage back to his army and freedom.
As you read this story, you probably thought that nothing could be a worse option than death. You are probably thinking that you would have chosen to go through the black door instead of facing the firing squad. But is that black door much different from you kitchen door? Sometimes you let yourself accept mediocrity in your life instead of pushing through that door to financial freedom.
Choose a solid network marketing company and stay with it. There are many people who job hop from company to company and opportunity to opportunity but they ended up on a treadmill going nowhere. They continually gravitate to the newest "ground-door," idea with a "get-rich-quick" lust. So persevere and start building a home internet business with a company you deem best.
When you read about methods of building a home internet business, you have seen that network marketing can be a great business opportunity, and that there are certain basic business principles that are similar to the network marketing industry as to any other business industries. One of these principles is to make a commitment to yourself to find the company that is best suited to you and stick with it. Make time for your ally. By sticking with a good company, some of your friends who are watching you grow will join you a year or two later, but definitely not if you jump from companies to companies.
About the Author
Elise Hong is an Internet Network Marketer. She is with a team of online entrepreneurs who are experiencing growth in their home business and recently made a sales of $10,045 in only 24hrs. Find out how you can get into the action NOW at
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