If you are a beginner to internet marketing and don’t have a lot of money to start, a great way to start is to do affiliate marketing. What is affiliate marketing? It is simply partnering up with another site selling there products and collecting a commission on every sale you make. I know you might be saying why should you do all this work to sell someone else’s product. Well as a newcomer this will allow you time to learn about internet marketing while still making some money.
Affiliate marketing is a great place to start because you normally get help from the sites you partner with; they sometimes give you software, advertising strategies and tips to help you drive traffic to your site. A lot of them have training programs for free; now remember the more you sell the more money they make so they will try there best to make you a success.
An affiliate program provider worth checking out is one called PIPS (Plug in profits Site). The plug in profits site is made up of six affiliates -Leisure Audio Books, Adminder, SFI Marketing, Success University, Empowerism and Host4 One Profit Website.
These Affiliate sites have training programs and they pay out high commissions. The best thing about it is all the products that they sell can be sold again and again the same customer. So when a sale is made you can earn a recurring commission for months. Some support programs that they have are -
1. Build you a free website
2. Assist in driving traffic to your site
3. help you to deal with technical problems with daily courses and e-books
4. Show you how to promote ,advertise and sell your products
5. Give you over 30 free products (bonuses) to help you enhance you website.
With affiliate marketing all you do is get your website up and running and (remember you get help with this) and then find ways to get traffic to your site. This brings us to a next question. How to drive free traffic to your site? Here is a few ways that you can do this.
Submitting your site to free directories, there are literally millions of these sites to find simply go to your Google browser an type in “Add Url link” or “Submit Url and go in and start submitting, you should pay attention to submit to the bigger sites because bigger site means bigger traffic, the more people visiting these sites means the more people will see your site.
Article writing is another free and fantastic way to get free traffic, simply write an article on what ever you are selling and submit it to free article directories, but be sure to put you website Url in the recourse box so that any body reading your article who might be interested in your site can find you. So the more articles you write the more potential customer you will have.
For someone new to internet marketing and have a small budget affiliate new marketing is great. What you do is find a good affiliate partner, set up your site, send traffic to your sit sell and collect commission checks. This system is simply profitable. To learn more affiliate program providers check out the attached link.
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