When it comes to running your own internet home business, there are several facets you have to consider to separate yourself from the competition. As the internet continues to grow, the competition gets stiffer every day. While there are several things you can do to keep visitors at your site over others, there is nothing stronger than a good testimonial.
When people come to your site, the last thing they are looking for is a small business owner rambling on about how good their site is. I do not know about you, but it is not the most enjoyable thing to listen to someone talk themselves up.
So what do people do instead? They talk their products up and detail every little feature the product has to offer. This is not as bad because you want to give visitors the details to potential products they may buy. The more people know about the product the more inclined they will be to purchase it.
A better route to take is explain how the product or program will benefit your visitors. What is it about the program or product that is going to help your visitors and make them better for having it? If you can detail this in-depth, people will be far more interested than listening about how good your site is.
The best of all, though, is letting those who have experienced your product or program talk you up. These are people who came to your site not knowing what to expect just like every other visitor. These are people who left satisfied and probably remain as return customers. Whatever it is your program or product did, these people enjoyed it greatly.
As you may expect, visitors are going to trust a testimonial more than your word. If you take the time to build relationships and be a personable entrepreneur, visitors to your site will trust your word and respect you. But random visitors are going to see the words of others like them and believe them.
The key is to get several testimonials that are in-depth. A testimonial that says you have a great web site is not exactly the testimonial that will win over other visitors. But receiving a testimonial that says you went out of your way to provide the best service possible and was extremely timely; well that is a testimonial that is something to be proud of.
The great thing about testimonials is you did not write them up yourself. These are random people that left pleased with your internet home business and the services you provided. It goes to show you that your hard work is being appreciated, and those who follow will recognize the testimonials as well.
Article Source: http://www.ArticleStreet.com/
Monday, February 25, 2008
The Power Of Testimonials For Your Internet Home Business
Posted by Fransiskus at 3:07 PM
Labels: Internet Home Business
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