Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Home Based Business - Avoiding Pitfalls

Normally, I never like to write about or focus on negative stuff as it's not in my nature. However, knowledge can be powerful to help overcome challenges if people are forewarned. Being prepared is a sign of wisdom and part of the process to becoming a good leader. The problem with that is some people look for those things and that is when they appear. Have you ever heard the term what you think about, you bring about? The purpose of this article is to share my experiences and hopefully help others to deal with the negatives more easily than I did in building a home based business and developing a residual income.

There are several things that can be perceived as drawbacks as you work towards building your home based business and developing a residual income. First, a network is made up of people and based upon relationships and respect. Relationships are the most challenging and most rewarding of human experiences. We normally only share about the positives and rewarding aspects of network marketing but there are some potential problems too. You need to always be honest with people and tell the truth. Even if you know they may not like what they are hearing, by being honest and upfront, people will appreciate that and respect you more. Let people know up front that this is a home based business and as such, they will have to work at it regularly.

I was having a chat with someone last night that I have a lot of respect for and we discussed the fact that you are only as good as your word. Break your word and you will ruin any chance of developing a friendship and only hurt your home based business in the long run. Distributors in network marketing are not employees and as such, should be viewed in terms of volunteers. When we own a company we can treat our employees well and reward exceptional performance. So how do you get volunteers to team up with you in your home based business to develop a mutual residual income together? Good question and it revolves around the words respect and relationships.

In network marketing we really have no such opportunity. We can only provide inspiration and be patient and supportive in whatever way we can to assist them in building a home based business and developing a residual income. Since we are all our own CEO of our home based business in one way, there is little one can do to ensure people do what they need to or even what they say they will. There is no recourse really for improper behavior unless it breaks the company's policies.

If an employee does not do what his job description describes, they can be terminated and replaced. Not so in network marketing. This is why wise upline work with those that are working and matching their energy. They spend little time trying to convince or change minds etc. Remember, once someone raises their hand and are open to taking a look at our home based business, our job is to share the information and answer their questions. Their job is to decide if they like what we are doing as a team and partner up with us.

Second, part of the problem is we can get emotionally committed to people that we care about and that can literally rip your heart out. Experienced leader's recognize this fact and accept it as part of the business, not losing sleep over other people's choices. As Bill has often reminded people, one can lead a horse to water but cannot make him drink. You can't force anyone to build a home based business and develop a residual income, they have to want it.

Third, new people that join our home based business to create a residual income, must learn how to run their own home business by doing as there are really no schools to learn the unique aspects of running a network marketing business. This is why so many important aspects of training and motivating can be so inconsistent from company to company. Some top earning distributors in companies got there because of the luck of being at the right place at the right time and would have great difficulty building a new network if they had to do it all over again. This is why we have seen so many people do well at one company only to fail elsewhere, often times leaving the industry altogether broken hearted.

Fourth, people are just much more cynical today than in the 60s and 70s. The constant bombardment everyone receives from the media, radio and of course the internet can be negative. As well, there have been many scams etc. in network marketing about how to get rich quickly in a home based business and create a 6 figure income in only 90 days, which only reinforces people's skeptical attitude. This is a very real problem today and one that should be understood in order to overcome the challenges.

Those are a few of the real problems we encounter building a network home. The solutions are fairly clear as long as we truly understand the problem. Always tell the truth about what it truly takes to build a residual income and develop a home based business. In our relationships we need to respect people enough to honor their path and allow them their choices without trying to convince them as to our beliefs. Being patient and matching energy with energy.

One of the best ways to help people overcome their cynicism and negativity today is often by creating real friendships based upon adding value and then people will begin to open their minds and investigate what we have to offer. Over time, you too will be able to develop a home based business and build a solid home based business.

Make it a great day everyone!

Darrell Lischka Learn how to obtain Page 1 in Google. The cost to sign up is Free. Check it out today!

About the Author

I've been involved in the home based business and network marketing profession for the past 10 years. My goal is to share information that is helpful to other's. You are welcome to use my articles, but please include author's name and link.

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