To earn extra income with an online home based business your WHY needs to create a real burning desire within you. When your why is strong enough it will be the one thing that will help you confidently face the challenges, pull you through the tough times and get you over the obstacles that are bound to crop up along the home business highway.
Develop a strong belief in yourself and your own capabilities and this will ward off any opinions from others or negative comments directed at you or your home based business.
When you are certain why you need or want to earn extra income it will make it easier for you to be disciplined in order to avoid the many distractions that come with working at home.
Establish a working routine as early as possible and head for your home office as if you were off to a normal job. The great advantage of having an online home based business is that you can set yourself flexible hours but try and aim to work at your business consistently on a daily basis.
Carefully plan to work around your family commitments. You never want them to feel that your online home based business takes preference over them.
Do let your friends know your routine as soon as possible, because friends for some reason think that if you work at home you have time to go shopping with them, share a cup of coffee or just sit and chat for hours.
As you will be your own boss and responsible for your own business, which is a far cry from being an employee and having a boss to tell you what to do, you will need to be able to work on your own, plan effectively, make your own decisions and stick to them. If you adopt an entrepreneurial attitude and this will reflect in your online home based business.
Be sure to write your goals down and strive to achieve them. Breaking your goals down into short, medium and long term goals will keep your focused on your main goal to earn extra income with your home based online business.
By constantly remaining in learning mode you will keep abreast with developments on the internet that could affect your business.
The fear of failure is one thing that keeps many people from achieving success. You need to adopt a Never Quit attitude and be determined to do whatever it takes (legally of course) to succeed.
Do not set yourself up for a major disappointment by expecting to earn extra income immediately. This is one of the major reasons so many people fail to earn online and quit so early on.
No one can predict when you will start earning extra income and should you decide to quit you could be just a matter of hours away from success. Simply refuse to let failure be an option for you.
Stay focused and concentrate on the business building process and once you have successfully accomplished this then you will earn extra income with your own online home based business.
About the Author
Cynthia Minnaar is the owner of and she invites you to visit her Online Home Based Business where she will share ways to earn extra income with you.
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