Because of the advantages of the internet and network marketing, it has made it possible for ANYONE with motivation and a desire to succeed, to have their own home based business, marketing anything from jewlery, skin care, health and wellness products to travel, health insurance, and personal development products.
Their has been a huge increase in travel related network marketing programs as travel is the number one industry in the world today. With the baby boomers retiring, one every eight seconds, and with over fifty percent planning to travel - the cruiselines and resorts are gearing up in the next several years to accomodate them. According to a recent study Carnival cruiselines has more flagships scheduled to be built in the next two years than were built the previous ten.
Some of the advantages of getting started in a home based business, but not limited to , are the following:
With all these advantages of getting started in a home business, is it any wonder that there are over 150,000 a WEEK getting started in some sort of home based business using the internet and network marketing.
Most of the home business owners used to be stay at home moms, but the number of stay at home dads is increasing as more and more of them are leaving the corporate world, for a variety of reasons with the number one reason beings lack of stability in the work force, followed close behind with the inability to achieve financial freedom with the wages that are being paid.
And then with the rising gas prices, not to mention milk, eggs and other staples , many Americans gradually sink deeper into debt. Getting started in a home based business is one of the fastest ways to get out of debt. Many have been able to do it within their first couple years - others are simply working their business part time to supplement retirement income.
About the Author
Viola is a Platinum Director with Coastal Vacations, a home based business in the travel industry. You can take your business anywhere and as long as you have a connection to the internet, you can work this business. Many of our members have made thousands of dollars while on vacation!
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