Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why Avoiding Failure Is So Important With Our Home Based Business?

Why Avoiding Failure Is So Important With Our Home Based Business?

Sit back and grab a cold beverage. Read this short message - we're about to get a bit intimate and share a few things about us personally and discuss the anatomy of success and why avoiding failure is so IMPORTANT.
Enjoy. From the Desk of Rosemarie Grabowski
I can still vividly recall when wI first got started in the home based business arena. A lot of these memories aren't too fond. Here's just a few of the items that I was doing:
1. Passing out THOUSANDS of brochures.
2. Fliers at local malls and movie theaters.
3. Tens of thousands of emails (yes, losing numerous ISP's in the process).
4. Having our friends and families practically run and hide from us.
5. Countless hotel meetings.
6. Hosted way too many house parties.
This is just the short list. I could go on and on. I could also share with you financial statements that would absolutely FRIGHTEN YOU!
Why am I sharing this?
The honest truth is that I want you to know that I have been through some VERY rough times. It can be downright frustrating and exhausting. Maybe you can relate to that.
You're out there every single day on the front line working your tail off and not seeing the results that you're looking for. I know exactly how that feels. I have lived in your shoes. It's not a fun spot to be in. Today, we're going to change that (more on this in a few minutes).
Maybe you're there right now. Maybe you're still doing some of the things we're referencing - some of the things that statistically don't work for most network marketers.
I have been at the top of the world and at the bottom too - it wasn't too long ago where I literally had to dig under the bottom of our seat cushions to snatch up dimes and quarters to purchase lunch from McDonalds Value Menu.
Embracing Failures
Embrace your successes AND your failures...
As a matter of fact...take PRIDE in your failures.
In part, they're what make
They're what ultimately make a business successful.
We can't learn without failures - IT'S NOT POSSIBLE.
In a weird sort of way failures actually speed up the learning process. I know it sounds strange, but think about it for a second. If we're doing something that's not working what does that really say about us. For starters, the obvious...
I am doing "something". Taking action. If those actions aren't working, I now know what doesn't work - I am at least one step closer to understanding what will work.
Failures expedite UNDERSTANDING - which is at the core of knowing what will work and the "why" behind it.
Mentorship = Shortcut To Success
Another ingredient to expediting the learning curve is finding someone who is already doing what you're striving to accomplish and study them. I can't tell you how many marketers, leaders and entrepreneurs we have studied - dozens if not hundreds over the years.
They have been pivotal to our successes and accomplishments - we would be LIGHT YEARS behind where we are now without studying and IMPLEMENTING their knowledge and teachings.
You can't have success without implementation of something - and it must be executed properly.
Remember, earlier when we discussed pain and frustration - you were out there on the front line working hard, but it felt like you were essentially running in place?
Better Career and Life Direction
It is also a good idea to practice setting a schedule not only for work but for your career and life plans as well. Setting a schedule for your career allows you to see the bigger picture, and envision what you want your career to look like in say 5 or ten years. Setting a schedule for your life goals also allow you to focus more on the things you want to achieve personally, such as owning a home biz or early retirement.

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