Many skills are necessary to achieve network marketing success or home based business success, including setting priorities and being organized. These tips will help you use your time more efficiently while working in an environment that abounds with distractions. For example, throw in a load of laundry, answer friend's telephone call. get the mail and open....
Quit the Multitasking , Most people think that doing 2 things at the same time is a gift, especially women. There is nothing farther from the truth. Here's why - Each time you stop doing something and return to it, it takes 20 minutes to return to the same frame of mind you were in before you left off.
In fact researchers who have studied this have proven that multitasking lowers your IQ more than smoking marijuana.
Work in 2 hour blocks of time - Once again scientists who study human productivity have discovered that humans work best in 2 hour chunks of time. Stay focused for those 2 hours and schedule a 15 minute break where you rest or relax. Schedule your work day with this in mind.
Renew Yourself - When working from home it can be very difficult to avoid the temptation to work everyday and all day. This can have adverse consequences including burnout and loss of creativity. Be sure to schedule 2 days off each week and if possible, stay out of your home office on those days. Come Monday, you'll be renewed and ready to dive into your home based business.
Maintain Your Focus - In order to be focused you must learn to reduce the distractions that get in the way of accomplishing your daily tasks. In order to do this you must:
- List the things that are the most disruptive and cause you to lose your focus
- In order of most disruptive rank them with the most disruptive at the top
- Get rid of the top 3 to 5 that are interfering with your ability to manage your time
This could look like - turning off the ringer that announces each time you receive an email, screening telephone calls and returning calls at the end of your work day, doing household chores after the end of your work day not interspersed with your work tasks...
Start of the Day - How you begin your day determines how effective you are the rest of the day. A good breakfast, hydration and some regular aerobic exercise go a long way in setting the stage for a productive day.
So, yes, working from home can pose some challenges in time management because of the many distractions that exist in your home environment. With a little planning and discipline these distractions can be overcome and you can be more efficient at managing your time!
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