Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Home Business Success Tip: Consistent Focus Is The Key To Everything

If you place a leaf on the ground on a sunny day, what happens?...Absolutely nothing But...if you place a magnifying glass over that leaf and hold it still, what happens? The sun’s light is focuses through the magnifying glass and a hole is burned in the leaf. "FOCUS" is the difference between having a warm leaf, or having a forest fire.

The problem with 99% of home business entrepreneurs is that they never commit to focusing on ONE endeavor. Most of us never made the commitment to ourselves (before we got started) that we were only going to focus on ONE business and ONE outcome UNTIL we reached our goal! As far as I’m concerned, you need to look at today as a brand new day. Today is the first day of the rest of your life as a home business entrepreneur. Today is the day that you clear everything else off of your table and focus on ONE home business endeavor! Most network marketing and home business entrepreneurs think that they’ll be able to "multi-task" their way to success. As a society, we get a perverse sense of importance when we think to ourselves that we’re "super busy because we’ve got a lot on our plate and we’re juggling a bunch of stuff". Do yourself a favor….STOP!

It’s kind of like you trying to tie both shoes at the same time…IT DOESN’T WORK! You either time ONE shoe at a time or you walk around in your socks all day. ONE thing that every single successful home business entrepreneur knows is this: If you do not have complete focus on the outcome you desire, you will NEVER reach your goals!

But, understanding (and implementing) the power of focus isn’t just important to your success as a home business entrepreneur, it’s important to your success in ALL aspects of your life! Start by focusing on the small tasks that take only a short period of time to complete. Soon, your "focus muscles" will be strong enough for you to complete large tasks at lighting speed! Where we place our focus, the rest of our mind and emotions will follow.

If right at this moment you are "focusing" on more than one way to make money in a home business…then you’re not focusing! The word "focus" implies attention on ONE item. Try focusing on flying a kite while baking some cookies and see if the cookies don’t burn or the kite doesn’t fly away!

And if you choose not to focus on only 1 thing; then accept the fact that you’re probably never going to reach your goals. Go pick ONE business endeavor to focus on RIGHT NOW!

Devon Brown (a.k.a “The Success Renegade”) is one of the most talented young speakers and success coaches in the mlm & home business arena. His powerful information is helping home business entrepreneurs finally achieve the success they deserve and desire. Learn more about Devon and take advantage his FREE Home Business Success Tips by visiting: http://RenegadeSuccess.com

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