Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Is Google Killing Internet Home Business?

Many of you reading this article are probably already involved in Internet Business in one or other form. Of those who are involved most I would venture, run a home business, in stead of a major corporate business, and if this is true, the great majority of you will probably be disappointed or disillusioned.

If you are anything like I was, you started out full of hope that you would succeed and make loads of money from your Internet Business. Soon excitement turned to disillusion, and this is where many quit. If you are reading this, you have probably considered quitting at some point or you are just starting out. Well, this is the way I see it and in my opinion Google is one of the biggest causes of this problem.

Don't get me wrong, Google is by far the best search engine out there, but they have inadvertently become the enemy of Internet Home Business. Where do I get that from? Well, here's an example. How many times have you searched for something relating to Internet Business and Internet Home Business? How many times have you found what you wanted and how many times a load of rubbish? You see, every Tom, Dick and Harry advertise their product as the best, but when you actually click to the site, they turn out to be just another disappointment!

You see, the thing that Google and before them Yahoo did, was to make selling anything on the Internet search engine based. You could have the best product in the world, but if you are not on the first 4 (but really 2) pages of Google or Yahoo, you can forget it. On the other hand, someone who has a really dumb product, but knows a little about the search engine game, can be ranked far higher than you and actually achieve a first or second page Google ranking. Or they have the money to buy quality links or place an ad on Google. While they never intended things to be this way, Google and Yahoo inadvertently caused this situation.

I agree that it is impossible for Google to actually physically check every website that is listed and even then, how do they know which products are better than others, except for spending millions of dollars? So what did they do, they developed an algorithm that changes and tweaks regularly to try and get the best sites on the front pages. The problem is that the current algorithm, in my opinion is too link-centered. The more links you have pointing to your site, the more popular Google deems your site to be and accordingly your site gets listed closer to the front page.

See the problem, Company X, who is a large corporate, forks out a lot of money and buys 1,000's of quality links, while Johnnie Small Businesshas a far superior product, but can't afford to buy the links. And therefore the Internet Home Business, the guy who is trying to make a living of the Internet does not have a fair chance to compete. Without intending it, Google is killing the little guy!

So what happens now? We all know that we need links and so we spend hours sending out link exchange requests and the rest of our time, tweaking our websites and seeing what else we can do to get that one page better listing, like writing this article. The result is that we spend far less time developing our business and products and most of it, just trying to get up there on the search engines. Consequently, better products fail to see the light and most start-up Internet Home Businesses fail fairly quickly.

So what is the solution? Firstly, if you are not very committed don't start out on the Internet. While there are many advantages to having a business on the Internet, it is also one of the most competitive arenas to compete in, because you are literally competing against the whole world! If you are adamant that you want to have an Internet Home Business, you need to be prepared to put in time and effort and to learn from others and share you knowledge. Even this might not bring success.

In my opinion, Google will have to re-look their algorithm. While a lot of back links to a site, might indicate popularity, things like link farms and link exchanges really blur the line to such an extent that one cannot really say, that this method is effective anymore. To be fair to Google, I don't have the answer. I can't tell them what to do, to be more fair and I sympathize with their dilemma, because I know their aim is to deliver the best and most relevant search results. I might lose my listing with Google completely for writing this article and therefore just want to point out that I am not blaming Google, it was never their intention for this to happen, it is just what happened.

One should rather blame the unscrupulous elements out there that have found ways around every attempt that Google has made to keep the most important and most relevant sites at the top of the Google Listings. Stop buying these black hat products and allow fair competition!

Perhaps if we all put our heads together, we could come up with a solution to this problem. Who knows you might just be the one to come up with the solution to give the small guy a chance?

Let’s all work together to level the playing field and Make Internet Home Business fun again!

Rian Schoeman is president of http://www.cyberjuice.net At Cyberjuice.net we are dedicated to telling our customers the truth about Internet Home Business and to help them overcome the pitfalls

Our free and other products are probably some of the most direct, true and value for money courses out there and will teach you all you need to know to make a success of Internet Home Business!

Please visit us at http://www.cyberjuice.net and let us help you make a success of Internet Home Business

Rian Schoeman Cyberjuice.net

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