Thursday, March 26, 2009

Starting An Internet Home Business On A Budget

Research A Niche Market For Your Internet Home Business

Before you rush into anything and waste a lot of unnecessary time and money setting up your Internet home business you will need to decide what niche market you want to establish yourself in.

Ebooks and affiliate marketing are inexpensive options where you do not need to have your own product and you basically get a commission for selling someone else’s products.

A Clickbank mall is great resource with many thousands of products that you can earn as much as 75% commission for selling. Most of the resources are available to you online for free or for a minimal cost and lots of Internet home businesses that start on a budget can be up and running for practically nothing.

Do some research and find out what are the most popular things people are searching for online and you are sure to find a gap in a market that you can set up your Internet home business in rather than setting up a business that nobody wants to deal with … this has been the undoing of many would-be Internet home businesses.

Learn Some Basic HTML

Adopting a DIY approach to designing your website will save you money and also give you a sense of pride and accomplishment at the end results. But to be able to customise your Internet home business website you should at least learn the basics of HTML if you don’t want to spend money on an ecommerce package for building your site.

Alternatively, if you don’t feel confident enough to do it yourself and you decide to purchase some software then make sure that you get a product that includes a site builder.

There are also lots of web site templates available online and you should be able to adapt these to your Internet home business web site easily.

Choose The Right Keywords For Your Niche

Keyword research is another important factor that can be overlooked by newcomers to the Internet home business scene and this is probably the next most important aspect you need to decide on.

There are a couple of very useful keyword research tools available to you and Overture from Yahoo is actually my favourite, which is probably why you should start there.

Because you are starting your website on a budget you should choose a keyword domain name that is relevant to your Internet home business and ties in with the niche keywords that you also choose. Associating keywords with your niche and domain name is a very effective way of driving traffic to your site when someone does a search on the Internet with these keywords.

Domain Registration And Hosting

The next most important decision you will have to make for your Internet home business is choosing a domain registration and hosting service.

You will need to search online with Google, Yahoo, or some of the other search engines and Internet Directories using the above heading, and there are plenty of cheap options available to you. Some will only cost a few dollars a month to host and a relatively cheap annual fee to make the domain name your own for however long you want it.

Depending on the website extension you choose, such as .com, prices will vary and availability of your chosen name will be limited in the really popular ones like .com., but there are plenty of alternatives and you should be able to get the name of your choice with a bit of trial and error. You could try .biz, .net, or the newer .ws from Global Domains International. [.ws stands for “website”], which is quite appropriate, and at this early stage in GDIs development you stand a really good chance of getting the domain name of your choice for your Internet home business.

Use Search Engines And Internet Directories

There are many free resources for setting up your own website for an Internet home business and you can have a website up and running within minutes with the help of the intuitive guidance given by most of these sites.

Check out Google, Yahoo, or many of the other Search Engines and Internet Directories for terms such as “free website setup” or something similar and you will be presented with a list of sites that provide free websites that you can search through.

Most, if not all of these sites also allow you to set up a number of email addresses for your Internet home business … make sure you choose a name that is relevant to whatever niche you choose for your Internet home business, as this can have direct and positive benefits when someone does a search online with keywords relevant to your site.

If you don’t want to set up your unique email addresses straight away, then make sure that you set up a free email account specifically for the business so you can keep your Internet home business mail separate from your personal mail.

A Memorable Brand For Your Internet Home Business

Develop a logo for easy recognition and so your business has something that people will remember it by. This can be done for free also if you are not the artistic type and can’t design your own logo, by using the many freeware and shareware resources available online.
Just search for “free shareware logos” or something similar and you can select a free logo that you could easily tweak to make it unique with software built into your operating system.

Make sure that the logo is relevant to your website and try to choose something that will stick in people’s minds so they will remember it easily and associate your Internet home business with it whenever they see it.

Publish An Ezine Or Newsletter

You could publish an eZine or newsletter with helpful tips and advice that you can send by email regularly to your future subscribers as a way of collecting email addresses and developing an opt-in list. “The money is in the list” is a term that is used frequently on the Internet home business scene, and there really has never been a truer phrase spoken.

Publishing an ezine or newsletter may sound technical and complicated but once you start doing it you will soon see that it is just a simple matter of copying and pasting information from one source to another.

There are also lots of Free Content sites online that will allow you to republish their articles as long as you also publish their by-lines and links, and credit the articles to the authors. These sites are essential for getting regular material if you do not want to spend the time creating articles yourself.

Alternatively, if you want to claim the credit for articles, you can subscribe to an article directory site relatively cheaply and obtain around thirty articles per month that you can tweak and make your own. These articles are not copyrighted and you can basically do what you like with them.

You could edit these articles and add your Internet home business website link at the bottom of them, and then submit them to article sites as a way of generating free advertising and driving traffic to your Internet home business site. These articles could remain in circulation indefinitely and still be advertising for you and getting targeted traffic for you for years to come.

Develop An Opt-In Email List

Another vital factor for an Internet home business is often overlooked by newcomers to online marketing and is probably one of the most important ways of developing your Internet home business.

Research has shown that people need to be exposed to a product an average of seven times before they choose to make a purchase, so you need to keep in constant contact with visitors to your site.

Build an opt-in email list by offering a free ebook or something similarly inexpensive to visitors to your site if they subscribe to your ezine or newsletter. Make sure to add a signup form for your publication on each page of you Internet home business website.

You could also add an exit pop up with your ezine/newsletter sign up form, so when visitors are leaving your site you can still plug your publication. The objective would be to develop a relationship with your list and establish yourself as a credible source of useful information and advice, as well as issuing the odd freebie along the line.

There are lots of free ebook resources with reseller rights available to you online and offering freebies with reseller rights to your email list is another great way of marketing your Internet home business and keep visitors coming back for more.

Make sure that you keep records with the opt-in details of everyone that subscribes so you can’t be accused of spamming at a later date if someone becomes forgetful and doesn’t remember joining your list.

Always supply an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every correspondence you send to your list, giving everyone the chance to opt-out whenever they want to with relative ease.

It is imperative to contact people on your list regularly to build trust and confidence with them, and do not slacken off with the eZine or newsletter or you run the risk of losing the valuable contacts that you have developed.

You could use a free autoresponder service to automate the smooth delivery of your publications to your list … again, search online with the term “free autoresponders”.

Once you start getting busy with your Internet Home Business I would recommend that you splash out some money for a paid autoresponder where you will have more features and benefits associated with it. You can get a pretty good autoresponder for less than twenty dollars a month and you will also have the benefits of having unlimited campaigns available to you for email marketing.

This article may be reprinted as long as the by-line, author's details, and all links in it are included.

About The Author

Denis Menton is an Internet marketer who has helped many newcomers to Internet marketing to start an Internet home business. Take advantage of his insights and experiences by subscribing to his informative course on Internet and Email Marketing at: his blog

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