Monday, August 6, 2007

9 pointers for profiting at your home based jewelry business

By: Gary Capps

Starting a home based business from a your jewellery hobby is a great way to start making money from home doing something that you love.

Here are nine reasons why you should look at starting your own beading business too:

1 – Obviously if you are working at home then there is no need for outgoings such as rent for a workshop. Use the spare room in your house as your workshop. Organised storage trays can be real space savers for your materials so you really should not require that much space.

2 – Use existing phone line: You don’t have to install a second line for your business when you start out. Use your current home line. Most companies offer very reasonable rates on local calls and with the expansion and improvement of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) services you can use your computer with a headset for virtually nothing.

3 – Cheap start up costs for tools and materials. When you begin all you need are a few simple hand tools and a selection of basic beads and you’re away.

4 – Use accounting software to keep track of your books so that you don’t have to pay an accountant to sort out everything for you come tax time. There are many packages out there today designed for the small business, which is relatively in expensive, especially when you consider the time they save.

5 – No more commuting to and from work. Think of the time you would save every week if you didn’t have to actually leave the house to go to work. Even if you’re only travelling 30 mins each way that’s 5 hours a week, almost a full work day that you can spend on your business or your family.

6 – No more having to buy clothes for work. If you want you can spend the day working from home in your pyjamas. With no other work colleagues around or a boss to impress you can save a small fortune on clothes that you used to buy just for the office.

7 – The joy of being able to set your own hours. If you don’t have to be at work when your boss says so until they let you leave you can start to organise you work around your life instead of organising your life around your work.

8 – By working from home you can get your household chores while you’re at work. This might not seem like a brilliant thing but if you manage to get your washing done during the day then it frees up your time at the weekend so that you can spend time with your friends and family.

9 – Get great tax breaks for being a home based business. There are a lot of benefits to running a business from your home as far as tax is concerned. You can claim a deduction on many of your household bills and rent. Also your car can become a tax-deductible item as you use it to pick up materials, visit clients, go to bead fairs etc. Any holidays away may also become a business expense if you use time on that holiday to visit a client or take time to go to a new jewelry store in an area that you have never been before.

Gary Capps is the General Manager and CEO for Bead Manager Pro, The Ultimate Jewelry Software for beaders. Bead Manager Pro was designed specifically for beaders to help get their beading business organised. Visit now for your free download.

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