Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Know If You Have What It Takes To Be Successful With A Home Based Business

by Joe "The Coach" Torres

Make a lot of money. Make it residually. Live a better quality of life. Get your free time back!!!

These are all statements you've heard while you're searching for that perfect business or have gotten into a business in the first place. I'm also sure you've heard that there is a high failure rate in this industry as well. Some people blame it on lack of company support or a deadbeat mentor who promised you the world and is now nowhere to be found. Some feel that it's a lack of work ethic or the products or a negative stigma on the industry.

And I'm here to say that, that's all true, every last single one of those factors is true. But there is also a hidden factor most people don't realize; it's the individual itself. I'm not talking about lack of experience, support or drive but rather qualification. Are you qualified to start a home-based business and succeed?

I want you all to read on because this is very important for not only those who are getting into the biz, but those who are searching for a new marketing company and for those who are qualifying people to join their company.

For those who are getting in for the first time, this article could very well save you from wasting your time and your money if you're not fit to succeed in this industry. Let's call spade a spade, this industry is not for everyone and that's okay. There are a lot of successful people who are in this industry and their not even qualified to be in it. For those of you who are looking for a new marketing company, same deal as the newbie's. And for those who are successful at recruiting, this article could also save you time in your qualifying. Anyone can sell someone on a dream, but it does take a type of person to actually succeed and you don't want to be wasting your time helping someone who won't be successful or who'll just drag your business structure down depending on which company you're with and what type of structure they have in place.

To start a home-based business and be successful, you first have to see if you fit the description of someone who'll be able to succeed on this platform. Here are a list of questions you need to ask yourself before getting into the industry or bringing someone into the industry.

Do You Have The Discipline?

The idea of working for you is a pretty sweet concept. Think about it, no one's giving you a hard time if you make a mistake as we all do in life. No one can fire you and you can make a system that's right for you in your life, family, social life, and work.

But you need to know if you have it inside of you to make the transition. If you're used to working 8 hours a day, than at least theoretically you have the physical stamina to work 8 hours a day on your business. But the transition can be very hard because there is no one pushing you. There is no fear of getting fired because you're the boss. You have to take the same discipline and concept as an employee and implement it as a business owner.

Are You Susceptible To Distractions?

Stating a home-based business means you're working at home! You have television, Internet, radio and family members all there that could pose a potential distraction. These are distractions you didn't have at work. Sure, you had distractions at work however these distractions are more personal so that makes it even more vital that you can make your business a priority.

If these are distraction you can't avoid, is there somewhere else or another way you can get your business work done?

Do You Love Your Business?

When it's all set and done, do you love your business? I'm not talking about products, or the company logo or even the money. Do you love the industry you're in? Do you love the way most people make money in this industry, do you love all or most of the aspects of network marketing? Could you do it for free?

Donald Trump in every interview I've seen him in when they ask if they could give their readers or viewers a tip on business, he always says you must love what you do. I always thought that was a politician answer, not really giving anything substantial, just philosophy. However, I've since changed my mind and realize what he says is really important. You're going to have set backs and small failures while your growing your business, it's inevitable, we all go through rough patches. During those times, you're going to want to quite, you're going to loose confidence; you're going to get frustrated. But you're love for your business is going to keep you going. If you keep going and it's a viable business model that people have succeeded in before, you'll get there.

Think of it as your children. They tic you off, they frustrate you, and they make you angry. You repeatedly have to discipline them, teach them but you never stop loving them. That's why you keep teaching them, molding them into great people. That love is why you don't mind staying up all night with them if they have a scary dream even though you're working a full day.

To start a home-based business and start it successfully, you need to do a gut check. You need to do some soul searching. If you fit the bill, you can make an abundance of money residually and gain more free time and live a better quality of life, all those lines they feed you when someone's recruiting you.

About the Author

Joe Torres aka "Joe The Coach" is a success coach helping his clients develop, evolve and reach their goals through individual and group coaching, teleseminars and training calls. He has a very popular newsletter called The Next Level, which you can acquire along with his services at http://www.joethecoach.com

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