Thursday, August 9, 2007

Home Businesses You Can Run From Your House

Matthew Hick

If a traditional 9-5 job just doesn't sound appealing to you, or doesn't fit your current lifestyle and needs, than it may be time to consider starting a home business. Nearly half of the new businesses started every year begin in the owner's home. Why are home businesses so popular these days?

Basically, they allow anyone (no matter what their life circumstances) to work without leaving their home and other responsibilities.

Stay-at-home moms love them because they allow them to remain at home with their kids while still contributing to the family income. Seniors love them because they can still work, without all the hassles of a regular job. And new entrepreneurs love them because they enable them to test the waters of a new business opportunity with a lot less starting costs and overhead.

Nearly any business can begin with an office out of your home. Even some small stores start that way. But be careful that you choose a business that meets your talents and interests. Just because it is a good home-based business doesn't mean it's a good business for you. After all, you'll be spending a majority of your time and energy turning your passion into profits so be absolutely certain that you choose something you'll be eager to get to every morning and stick with until late in he evening.

So, what types of businesses can you run out of your home? Just about anything if you're creative. Some allow you to run the entire business from your home (like internet sales), while others use your home as a type of main office or base (like a cleaning service), but require you and your employees to actually do the work offsite. Here a list of some of the most common home businesses people have found profitable:

Cleaning Services:
Most dual income families these days hire outside cleaners to keep their house tidy. This type of business allows you to set your own schedule and hours.

Gardening Services:
Have a green thumb? Then offer your gardening know0how to those who kill everything green without eve trying.

Many people (especially senior citizens) are finding it more and more difficult to get all of their errands completed on a weekly basis. Why not offer this valuable service to your community and make a little money too?

Repair Watcher:
How many times have you wasted an entire day waiting in that 2-6 hour window for a repairman or contractor to show up only to have them come in the last 15 minutes? A lot of people simply cannot take a half or whole day off of work to wait for the plumber, the carpet installer or any other household maintenance man to show. Why not offer your services to wait for them instead and make sure the work is finished correctly? It's an easy way to make $20 - $50 and offers a very flexible schedule.

Pet Sitter/Dog Walker:
With people working more and more hours these days, family pets are often left alone for hours and hours at a time. Pet sitters and dog walkers can command a good wage for checking in on pets during the day, and walking and playing with them.

If you prefer to stay at home and work, then making telemarketing calls for a variety of companies is a great way to make a living.

Survey Taker:
Nearly every company in America these days pay consumers to take online surveys about their products and services. Most pay between $5 and $100 and take only minutes to complete.

Home Daycare:
With so many working moms in your neighborhood it shouldn't be difficult to find a few who need quality daycare or after school care on a regular basis from a mom wit experience.

Freelance Writing
If you love to learn about new things and have a knack for telling a story, you may find freelance Internet writing a fun and easy way to increase your income from home.

About the Author:

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