Thursday, August 9, 2007

Making Money Writing Articles - Home Based Business

by Matthew Hick

Whether you've been a professional writer for years; someone who's always dreamed of seeing your name in print; or just have something important to say, than chances are you could make a living (or at least a few extra bucks), writing articles for pay and profit!

Gone are the days when a fledging writer had a limited amount of print sources to submit ideas and articles to. Competition was high and the chance to make it to the big time slim. The Internet has changed all that. A whole new world of opportunity is now open to the writer, offering thousands of new writing outlets. From formal magazine articles, newsletter content and marketing or sales copy, to short ebooks, blog entries and SEO keyword articles, just about anyone with a basic understanding of an article form, a good grasp of the English language and the ability to do basic research can write and sell a myriad of web-based articles and copy.

Just one simple search for freelance writing jobs online will result in hundreds of hits for sites that specialize in teeming writers up with potential clients. To be honest, many of these buyers want extremely cheap (as little as $1 or $2 each), articles that they can either use on a variety of websites or sell to other again and again, but even these low-paying clients are a great place to begin to build a portfolio and learn the ropes of freelance writing online.

Once you've learned how to quickly turn out quality work, not only will your client base expand, but so will the amount of money you can earn. It's not uncommon for a highly seasoned professional writer who is capable of taking a simple idea and come up with a thought-provoking and unique slant, then contacts the appropriate sources and turns out an informative and entertaining 2,000 word piece to garner $400 or more for a single article!

But, even if you never quite hit that level of professionalism and talent, just about anyone who's willing to hustle can make $15 to $25 an hour writing dozens of smaller 100 to 400 word articles and blog entries per day.

So, where can you find clients for your online writing? There are several types of sites available. The first is a content related site that allows writers to submit already written articles, set a price and sell them through their site for a 10-30% cut in the profits. These sites usually charge a hefty fee when an article is sold, bit does not charge a monthly or annual membership fee in order to participate.

The second is a type of bidding clearinghouse where a variety of buyers post specific assignments for writers ranging from short articles to ebooks and press releases, and allow providers (writers) to bid on their projects. These sites usually charge both a membership fee and percentage of each sale. However, they usually all handle client payments and offer additional provider portfolio and marketing services.

The third way that some writers market their work is through their own websites that feature their portfolio, stock articles for sale as well as an invitation to submit work proposals for consideration. These sites are normally reserved for seasoned professionals with an established client base and other marketing tools available.

As you can see, online writing is becoming a hot side job for many would-be as well as professional writers. With s many people looking for writers to keep their websites and email newsletters up to date and current it seems as if there's currently enough work out there for any writer willing to work hard and make their services available.

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