Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Internet Home Business Welcomes Newbies

It's a brain explosion, no it's intellectual overload, no's just "simply" too much all at once.

Yes, I'll admit it. I can't deny it. I am a Newbie. I've come a long way in the last nine months. And, I'm living proof that anyone can build a website and start their own internet home business. Newbies are welcome more than ever. Web site builders are making it easier and easier for the tech challenged to succeed.

Information overload was and still is a dilemma I deal with everyday. It’s hard to stay focused when there so much important “stuff” to learn. That is the key I discovered. Stay focused! It’s so easy to get side tracked from the day’s mission when there’s so much information to distract you.

I found myself starting out to complete one task and running across another very interesting concept that I just had to try. Needless to say, a lot of times my original goal got lost in the massive learning frenzie my mind was undertaking.

It took a lot of time, research, learning, wasted monies, and dead end offers to get where I am now. But, fortunately I didn't have to spend years and years pursuing a degree as a computer tech. I'm too old to start all that again and with a family of six to care for, it would be a challenge I wouldn't likely enjoy at this point in my life. But then again, little did I realize the challenge of what lie ahead of me.

I was determined to get in on the internet boom. Although many of us still want to deny it, it is undeniably the way of the future. And NOW is the opportune time to get in. The tip of the iceberg of things to come you might say. The future of home business, or any business for that matter, lies inevitably in the rapid growth of the internet.

If you're not getting in now, it may be too late. Things are changing rapidly. Some things getting easier, a lot of things getting more technical and harder.

Regardless, if you are a newbie or a techie, keeping up is a challenge. But if you are a newbie, I know from my own experience that it's a mind blowing information explosion when you start down the road to creating your own successful internet home business.

If I can do it, surely anyone can. That's not just a cliché, it's a fact. My kids had little faith. They said "no way", laughed at me, and never took the notion seriously. Who's laughing now? I am! Every time I get a check for doing something that I have grown to love. And every time I learn, and accomplish a new task that makes my internet business more profitable or easier to maintain.


Do you want an internet home business and just don't know how? Have you tried and given up? I have many times. But, as I discovered, there are some great programs out there that help make your journey easier. There are lots and lots of offers for your own free web site. And, that’s great for a quick fix. But, remember it’s still up to you to market that site and drive traffic to it to make it successful.

However, a theme based “content rich" website is essential for real permanent success in today’s internet world. The search engines are more and more focusing on content as a means for recognition. So, if you want to stand on your own merit and develop a site that you can truly be passionate about, you need to do some work. Yes, you have to work at it. But, if you bring something you love to do and are very knowledgeable about into your work it will be enjoyable work. If your follow this golden rule you will be successful.

That will be the only inspiration and motivation you need. There is nothing easier than doing what you love to do. This is an undisputable fact of human nature. I knew nothing about building a site. Had no familiarity with HTML or the technical issues that surround the building, analyzing and marketing a site. But, I discovered that there is an abundance of help for us newbies. And I took advantage of it determined that I would get in on the internet boom now while there is still tremendous growth to come.


If you’re a newbie and decide to take the great adventure into the techie world of the internet, I congratulate you. What an exciting journey! The best advice I can offer is to be sure to check out every program carefully. As a newbie you will need someone who will guide you from beginning to end and then further. Your journey will not end when your site is built. In fact, in many ways this is just the beginning.

You will need an all encompassing program that guarantees success. One that will take you step-by-step through the hosting, building, analyzing, marketing, and tracking process. To do all of these tasks separately just doesn’t make sense and can get quite expensive.

Be sure that when you think you’ve found the program that’s right for you, it offers a dependable support system. You Will Need IT! Take my word for it. Sometimes things just don’t work for you because you’re making one tiny little error, easily corrected with the stroke of the keyboard. Make sure they are there to help you figure it out so you‘re not banging your head on the computer. Ouch!

So, go ahead, take the internet home business challenge. And don't you be afraid.......I did it..... so can you!
Here's hoping that your journey is pleasant and successful!

Good luck and success!

Cheryl Johnson

Cheryl Johnson mother of four helping herself and others become and stay debt free. Publisher of Simple Debt Free Living at - a self-help plan ideas and resources for household budget planning, debt management, frugal and debt free living, and home business ideas Money saving tips help balance the budget and maximize savings everyday.

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