Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why You Fail in the Internet Home Business?

A lot of people have tried the Internet home businesses that are widely spread in the internet industries nowadays. In contrary, often we heard people that are making hundreds or even thousands of dollars each month from internet home business. Well, you might say that they are all liars in the industry, but in fact, they really do make those money! Wonders why and how they can do it, while you don’t? You just keep watching from your computer or news, how this guy and that guy making millions of dollars from their computer! It’s time for you to move on! When other people know how to do it, believe in yourself that you can do it as well!

Now, you asked yourself what you did wrong in the internet home business. You have worked hard for it, and you spent hours in front of your computer trying to make your business success. It’s getting you fell frustrated about it. Everything seems so wrong, and then you started felt that’s all internet home business are nothing more than scams. You screamed out loud but nobody seems to care.

Here are some tips that you might want to consider deeply before you pulled all your hairs out.

Make sure the company that you are working with is reliable and admitted by any credible institution such as BBB (Better Business Bureau) and US Chamber of Commerce. You don’t want to end up working with some junk companies that are in business for less than 5 years then disappear. It happens a lot in cyber space. People set up a fictive company with a killing web site, and then after they got your money, they just run away and disappear. So, my best advice for you is do an extensive research for the company before you decided to join their programs or network marketing

Another problem occurred when you have chosen the right and perfect company to work with. You asked yourself what to do and where to start. Then you started by looking for several resources how to start your business smoothly. You bought some best seller book, went to marketing website that told you how to run the business, etc. Yet you still feel like don’t know where to start. You wanted to scream once again because you have done all the internet books are saying but seems like you are lost in cyber space.

Here, you started to realize that you need some real people to support you, not an auto-responder, not a machine! That’s why you need to find out how is the support’s system in the network marketing you are about to join. You have to find where the supports are coming from the experts from the industry and people are eager to help each other. You absolutely need a team that supports you, not only when you started the business, but as long as you stayed in the business!

When you found the team, go deeper! Try to find a solid team with a solid support. A team that can walk with you when you start doing the business, help you to convince your prospect, and pull your hand when your spirit is down. It seems not that important when you first start with a home business, because your eyes are blocked by how wonderful the program pays you, how fast you can be rich, etc. Believe me, the “Team” is important to help you success.

Find company that not only pays you well, but give you some training how to start the business! Other than a perfect company and good team support, you will need a step by step training that tells you how to do the business in nutshells. I know that you can get “How to” books or e-books anywhere in internet that shows you how to run an e-commerce, but how about training that are given by people that done the actual business with the company successfully? You surely need that! So, you can learn from people that are already expert with the products that the company sells!

After all the support you got, you still fail in the business! Most people start the internet home business with the wrong mindset! That’s right, the mindset! They thought that after join the business, they’ll get rich instantly. Boom! In just couple days, weeks, or months! No! The internet only helps you to work more efficiently and effectively, the rest of it depends on you! You need to work and do the real job, only this time you don’t need to drive. You can do it from the comfort of your home.

Ok, ok, now what? You might think that you have done everything, but you still failed in this business. The next one is Consistency and Persistency. Yup, you need that. If you are sure you did all the above points, you need to be consistence and persistence in doing this business. This actually is much related with one’s mindset when he/she started the business. If you think you’ll get rich soon, you won’t stay long after you found out that you haven’t earned a penny. But if you know that you have to work for the business and never stop to learn the internet marketing, with the right programs and companies, you will get a fortune from the cyber space like those young and rich internet youngsters.

So, good luck! And see you at the top!

Yochention Saritoh
is an internet marketer and earn his living from internet marketing. If you want to know more about him you can visit

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